PostKultur Logo
Logo design
26th January 2021
Post-Kultur.com is a Hamburg based Start-up that offers ‘Culture boxes’ that are delivered to your door on a bi-monthly basis. The idea came out of a lack of access to culture in current times and as a way to help support local artists and institutions. The physical boxes are filled with items such as books, CDs, tickets, Essays, Art Prints and more which come from all forms of culture.
The idea is to mix established with newer artists and cultural forms giving exposure and broadening peoples cultural boundaries. They have a releases a limited edition Hamburg box featuring local culture. The subscription box will launch in Early 2021.
The brand needed to work for a high end market and be strong and encapsulate the brands main feature of culture to your door. It needed to compliment a wealth of different styles of items contained in the box so it need to not overshadow or distract from the contents within.