Classical Music Design logo
Logo design
12th October 2015
We have created the new logo for Classical Music Design. They wanted an elegant but strong icon that incapsulated their close ties to classical music but also a fluid and dependable edge to their design. The metronome has been broken down to it’s simplest form of just a few lines to show the basis of how CMD approach projects, removing all clutter and taking a design back to it’s simplest form and then building from there. The icon in it’s static state is a metronome at a 20º angle, but to extend the icon further we created an animated .gif version as well as a CSS3 animated version that can be scaled to any size – Follow the link below to see the full web version.
Classical Music Design is the division of Sane & Able dedicated to classical music and its artists. CMD’s designers focus on bringing fresh and creative design to the classical world, using knowledge and experience gained from working across other industries.